Home Audience Safety COVID Protocols

Audience Safety COVID Protocols


Maintaining Distancing

Audience chairs will be set in a distanced format, and we request that they not be moved. Audience members are asked to maintain distancing in lobby areas, restrooms, and while in ticketing lines. In-person audiences may be limited due to capacity while distanced.



Well-fitting masks are required at all times (covering nose and mouth and tightly fitted).


Symptom reminders

Symptom reminders will be sent before events and there will be a symptom check upon arrival.


Active COVID-19 symptoms

Attendees who have any active COVID-19 symptoms should not attend the concert, regardless of vaccination status.


Unvaccinated attendees

Unvaccinated attendees who had a close contact COVID-19 exposure or who were contact traced, should not attend the concert even if they are asymptomatic.


Vaccinated attendees

Vaccinated attendees who had a close contact COVID-19 exposure or who were contact traced may attend as long as they are asymptomatic.

Thank you so much. We’re thrilled to welcome back our audience! We greatly appreciate your cooperation as we look forward to making music for you as safely as possible!