Q: How has TRYPO influenced your musical journey and personal growth?
TRYPO has made an outstanding impact on my musical journey and my entire life. From starting in 4th grade in Symphonette to being in YPO from 7th grade to now, I have seen so many musicians and myself grow tremendously, and I’ve been able to meet so many musicians throughout my time.
Q: Can you share a specific moment or achievement from your time at TRYPO that had a significant impact on you?
The community of TRYPO has been wonderful for the 8 years I have been here. A great achievement through my TRYPO experience is being the principal double bass for over three years. I have been able to work on my leadership skills through it and I’ve connected with my section throughout that time.
Q: How has TRYPO shaped your passion for music and the arts?
Without TRYPO, my music career would be vastly different. It has completely shaped my passion as I want to be a professional musician and play in a symphony orchestra in the future.
Q: Why do you believe it’s important to support TRYPO on Giving Tuesday?
I believe it’s also important to support TRYPO on Giving Tuesday because all the musicians cherish the opportunities we are given at TRYPO and supporting this amazing nonprofit organization would be an amazing way to instill the love of music in future generations!