Home Blog Senior Spotlight: Claire, Katie, and Anna of the viola section

Senior Spotlight: Claire, Katie, and Anna of the viola section

by Emily Bovan

This Senior Spotlight features seniors in our viola section. Learn more about Claire, Katie, and Anna below!


Claire has played the viola in Young Peoples Orchestra for two years. She wanted to join TRYPO for the opportunity to play in a full symphony orchestra and to be challenged by advanced repertoire. Her favorite TRYPO memory was when the ensembles came back together for the first in-person rehearsal at the Energy Innovation Center after Meeting on Zoom for so long due to the pandemic. “It was amazing to finally play with other people in person!” Claire is graduating from Fox Chapel Area High School and plans to attend Emory University to major in neuroscience and behavioral biology. Her advice for future students is, “Even if you have a busy day, try to carve out time to practice because I have found that practicing is a huge stress reliever and is a great way to take a break from homework/studying.”



Katie has been a part of the #TRYPOfam for four years, playing in Symphonette and Young Peoples Orchestra. “I was interested in TRYPO after attending the Limitless concert. At the time, I was in Symphonette and enjoyed playing with others. As soon as I heard YPO play E.T. at their December concert, I instantly wanted to be a part of the group. I joined not only to play high-level repertoire but also because I wanted to meet new friends and share my love of playing the viola.” Katie’s favorite memory was going on the retreat in 2019. “I loved rehearsing Firebird and getting to room with people that I had never met before. I ended up meeting so many new friends and playing hours of some of my favorite pieces.” Katie is graduating from Fox Chapel Area High School. Her plans include studying business at Santa Clara University in northern California. She advises future TRYPO musicians to “enjoy every rehearsal and moment that you spend with TRYPO. Although the music can be challenging, working through the difficulties is extremely rewarding.”



Anna has been a TRYPO musician for five years. She has participated in Symphonette and TRYPOsphere classes, plays in Young Peoples Orchestra, and has a Youth Chamber Connection group. When discussing why she joined TRYPO, Anna shared, “I played in a musical ensemble for the first time in sixth grade and immediately knew I wanted more. I saw an advertisement for TRYPO and decided that was where I wanted to be.” Anna cherishes many memories from her time in TRYPO. “All the moments with the friends I never would have met if not for TRYPO. Whether it was watching Say Yes to the Dress in a hotel room together on an orchestra trip or just eating together during the break; I’ll treasure the memories forever”. Anna is graduating from Obama Academy and is currently deciding between the University of Rochester and Notre Dame to study math.


Stay tuned for our next Senior Spotlight!

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