Home Announcement What TRYPO Means To You: The Parents’ Perspective

What TRYPO Means To You: The Parents’ Perspective

by Emily Bovan
Photo with three TRYPO parents smiling at the camera while sitting around a picnic table preparing smores.

This weekend at Mini-Camp our TRYPO musicians got quality time to spend with each other to get the season off to a great start, but it wasn’t just students who came to Mini-Camp. We also had an awesome group of parent chaperones who made the weekend possible. After some initial conversations, it was clear that TRYPO’s impact is not just clear to the students, but to their parents as well. Here’s what they had to say about TRYPO:

What is it about this weekend that made you want to volunteer to be here?

Liz: Because my youngest is a senior this year, I think my volunteering was a little piece to give back to you guys because we are very grateful for you and all the things you have done for us.

Nick: I like the joy you see on the kids’ faces. They are playing all this music and you might think it’s too much but they are just having so much fun. And you can see it on their faces that even when they’re exhausted they’re having so much fun.

Devon: As exhausted as they are going into rehearsal, they play music and they are reenergized by the experience.

Kim: You know I saw kids on breaks, they’re not on their phones the whole time. You’ve seen them at different places, they’re just walking with their heads down staring at their phones. But here the environment makes it so they are interacting with each other, heads up, looking around. They’re experiencing it and I like that part.

How do you see TRYPO impacting your child?

Hector: They seem to all enjoy music. No one here is forced to be here. So your kid is able to share with other kids who enjoy music.

Amy: The students are finding their people.

Devon: They are finding common ground with other people from different backgrounds.

Nick: They are seeing that they are part of a larger musical community – not just people in their school, but people in the whole city and surrounding areas that want to come together.

Amy: TRYPO is accommodating to individual needs and growing each child’s talent, especially with Symphoentte and the new addition of Tutti. I think they are seeing that this is a big music family: they are really finding their passion, and that they love to find other people who feel the same way.

Nick: There really is a family environment. It’s not just about making music, it’s about the family relationship and being part of a group. They’ll remember that their whole lives.

What do you want other new parents to know about TRYPO? What advice do you have?

Amy: The group is just so inclusive and passionate. It is wonderful for your child to get the chance to be part of this bigger picture.

Liz: Even with almost 200 kids enrolled in the program, the staff knows each of the kids individually.

Kim: There is a place for everyone, not ready for YPO? Join Symphonette instead. Or Youth Chamber Connection. Or take a class in Music Theory.

Nick: Come and see a rehearsal. See what it’s like to be part of the family and just sit and listen and you’ll understand.

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TRYPO feels so lucky to have such a wonderful group of supportive families in our #TRYPOfam! Without the parents’ time, effort, and dedication to helping their children grow as musicians, we wouldn’t be able to have the ensembles we have today. Have these parents interested you in finding out how you can join our programming? Learn more about our ensembles and registration requirements now → https://trypo.org/new-member-auditions/

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